HCS Temple Management Standards

Standards for managing Hindu temples- the centre of the enlightenment ecosystems

Worship of Sivalinga Facing the West
Worship of Sivalinga Facing the West

Paramashiva revealing how to worship the Shivalinga facing West, as per Kamikagama Uttara Pada, Chapter 1

Worship of the Linga Facing South
Worship of the Linga Facing South

The direct standards of the worship of the Linga facing South - including such details as how the temple should be, which Deities should be in the temple, and others. As revealed by Paramashiva in the Kamikagama Uttara Pada

Worship of Sakala Murthis
Worship of Sakala Murthis

The worship of Sakala Murthis (the Fully Manifested Form), as declared in the Kamikaagamas, Uttara Pada, 3rd Chapter

Arranging and Waving the Lights
Arranging and Waving the Lights

Paramashiva's direct instructions on the arrangement and waving of lights (niranjana), specifically for festivals and auspicious celebrations

Arraying the Rows of Lights in Kartika
Arraying the Rows of Lights in Kartika

How to set up lights throughout the temple, goshala, and across the very temple-city itself during the auspicious month of Kartika (Nov-Dec)