Paramashiva revealing how to worship the Shivalinga facing West, as per Kamikagama Uttara Pada, Chapter 1

Paramashiva elaborately dives into the standards for Temple Management in the Kamikaagama, Uttara Pada.

In the second chapter, Paramashiva reveals how to worship of the Shivalinga which faces South. This including all details, such as how to establish the temple, which Deities should reside in the temple, how to enter the temple, how the smell of the temple should be, the proper rituals to be done in the temple, and a plethora of other such fine-details to ensure the highest quality standards of the Temple Ecosystem.

Hindu Compliance Body

The Hindu compliance body was established under the executive order of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, dated August 14, 2020, order number 10010, under the title Reviving the Hindu Compliance System and Body to create, promote, spread and teach the standard procedures for all products and services that are in compliance Hindu Shastras.


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